How to run miners
Compared to running a node, running miners is pretty easy!
In order to run a miner, you need to have a node running
Download the binary
you can access the binary of the latest version on the release page
Please refer to this guide to learn how to build the miner from scratch
Running the node
Miner requires a single parameter, which is the username that the miner should be running with, username is required to have a little amount of dhpc token to be able to send the first transaction.
EVM Network support
Keep in mind that the miner requires RPC Connection to a geth (compatible) node to be able to process requests, as we wanted to build miners in a dynamic way that doesn't require a new release per supported network, this is loaded automatically.
miner looks for NetworkName+"_RPC".
For example, providing an RPC connection for Ethereum would look like this
export Ethereum_RPC=
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